“Thinking of You”Happiness Box


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What’s Inside


  1. The Happiness Book
  2. “You’re the Best” Book
  3. The Magic Rainbow
  4. Bag of Happiness Charms
  5. Little Bag of Gourmet Chocolates
  6. Blue Bird of Happiness


  1. The Happiness Book
  2. “You’re the Best” Book
  3. The Magic Rainbow
  4. Bag of Happiness Charms
  5. Large bag of Gourmet Chocolates
  6. Signature “Happiness Stone”
  7. The Happy Little Yellow Duck
  8. Chocolate Hershey Kisses Box
  9. Blue Bird of Happiness


  1. The Happiness Book
  2. “You’re the Best” Book
  3. The Magic Rainbow
  4. Bag of Happiness Charms
  5. Large bag of Gourmet Chocolates
  6. Signature “Happiness Stone”
  7. The Happy Little Yellow Duck
  8. Chocolate Hershey Kisses Box
  9. Blue Bird of Happiness
  10. Hanging Happiness Chimes
  11. The “Happy Bubbles Maker” for Grown-ups!
  12. The ‘Happy” Art Sculpture by World Renowned artist “Britto” (priced at $35+ in art Galleries)

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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